Thursday, December 10, 2009

Abandond Book-The Million Dollar Throw

The Million Dollar Throw
by Mike Lupica
I was recommended this book by a friend, but as soon as I saw the title I immediately had doubts about it. I've read at least two book called "The Million Dollar" something, and they all have the same theme. The first time I read a book like this I enjoyed it, but I'm tired of these books. To sum up every single book with this title, a kid who has a huge passion for sports gets the opportunity to win one million dollars by making a throw, shot, etc.... The family always has trouble paying bills and this could save them. The story is inspiring and exciting if you have never read a book like this, but if you have, I would put it down and try something else.

Friday, November 13, 2009

I am the Messenger

So far, Ed's life is going nowhere. He's a nineteen year old cab driver who lives alone. He's in love with his best friend Audrey, but he has given up hope. For once, something exciting happened in his life: he stops a bank robbery from happening. Even though he thinks of it as now big deal, he has no idea how much of an impact it has made on his life. Shortly after the robbery, he recieves a peculiar package in the mail. An ace of diamonds. In addition to the card, it tells him where to go and when to go. He doesn't know what it's for though. Ed doesn;'t realize it, but he has a lot ahead of him in the near future.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Final Blog of 1st quarter

In my blogs I tend to focus on the conflicts in a book and how it affects the plot and actions of the character. I have an interest of the reactions and thoughts of the characters. Being completely honest, I think that the book blogging experience is quite tedious. I don't feel like it helps me, but I am the kind of reader that likes to read a book without any interruptions

For next quarter, I would like to go into more detail in my blogs, and spend some more time on them. Also, I should pick different aspects to go into detail about. I would like to accomplish the feeling that I made some very good inferences and observations. I'm not very interested in blogging, but hopefully by the end of the year, I will enjoy it more. To get more involved, I would like to do a blog every other week because I feel like it would benefit how detailed my blogs are, and I would have more to contribute to the blog.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Rag and Bone Shop

Jason is a very quiet kid who typically doesn't socialize. Although he isn't happy, he is not unhappy. When his neighbors younger sister dies he is mentally and emotionally in pain. He sought friendship in younger kids because older kids and kids his age made fun of him. One day, when the police showed up at his house to interview him, his life completely changed. He realized how serious the case was, and because he was the last person to see her alive, he is a suspect. Instead of continuing life the way it was, Jason is brought on a thrilling journey to find out who committed the crime.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Glass Castle Final Review

Jeanette only finds happiness when she is away from home. After she left her house and moved to New York, she was finally enjoying herself. I felt bad because when her parents eventually moved, they were getting in the way of her life and you could tell that he was getting angry and annoyed. Despite that she decided to help them because they're family. I would rate this book a 9 out of 10 because it was really enjoyable, without being thrilling. Also, it was the kind of book that was really interesting, but didn't really pull you in most of the time. Otherwise, the book was excellent and I would highly recommend it to anyone over 10.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

the glass castle

Jeanette has been suffering a lot lately because of all the teasing she is experiencing. Although teir town is poor, they are one of the poorest families in that town. People call her skeleton because she is so skinny, which isn't right because she doesn't have the option to eat. She has been standing up for herself though. Her and her brother fought off a whole group of guys together which made them realize that they need to stick together because they will always be there for each other. Jeanette has been very upset with Welch, Texas.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Glass Castle

It seems as though their father has started to get out of control. Although he never really filtered what he said, he has gotten even worse. He calls out in church, and says whatever he thinks is right, without considering that it will ruin the service. On Christmas, they finally got a tree for only a dollar. After decorating it and celebrating Christmas, the father lights the tree on fire, disappointing everyone. Before, he was somewhat tolerable, but he has started going crazy beyond control.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Glass Castle

You can tell that the family is really starting to fall apart. For example, the father has lately been spending his money on alcohol and the kids are starting to be really hungry. Also, he is cheating on his wife with his kids around, they're just too young to fully understand what was going on. When the boy was reading his comic book, he didn't even realize what was going on. Also, their mom has to hide her money so she can buy art supplies. The parents no longer work together as a team, but it's almost as if they're enemies. It got to the point where the father would have to go with the mom to get her paycheck because he didn't trust her. I'm predicting that they almost get a divorce at some point in this book.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

So far in this book, Jeanette has had to learn to be tough and not to rely on anybody except for herself. At the young age of only 3, she got really badly burned and was brought to the hospital. Her dad pulled her out even though she wasn't completely healed, but she never complained once. Also, she barely has any guidance from her parents because they go to bars and leave the kids alone for hours at a time. In one incident, she fell out of the car and flew on to the ground. Rocks dug into her face as she lay on the ground by herself. Eventually, her parents came back, but she spent a good amount of time injured, by herself, on the side of a highway.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Independent Reading- Swim the Fly

One major event that just happened is when Matt finds out that Valerie likes him. It was like everything just finally fit into place and things started making sense. Almost the whole book, he's been chasing after this girl named Kelly, so he became friends with her friend Valerie. Because he's so crazy about Kelly, he doesn't even notice how much she's flirting with him; she asks him to help her decide which bikini to buy and she wants him to watch her try them on. Also, when he got hurt, she called him a lot of times to check if he was okay. Eventually, they decided to go out as friends, but then she told him that she likes him and he realized he likes her also. In the end, he made a great choice considering Kelly couldn't even remember his name!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Summer Reading- Give A Boy A Gun

Brendan and Gary's friendship definitely grew throughout the book. They were always good friends, but not even close to how close they were at the end of the book. As the story goes on, they grow closer because they constantly get teased and only have each other. When they start to plot the shooting, they feel so close because they have this connection that nobody else shares, and they're in the plan together. I would rate this book a 9.5 out of 10. I read it in two days because i couldn't put it down. The story is so exhilarating and suspenseful towards the end. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone from 5th grade up because it's violent and has minor drug use.

Summer Reading- Sprout by Dale Peck

Honestly I was a little disappointed with this book. The most important event in this book by far is Sprout's mom dying. This is the whole reason why he moved from Long Island to Kansas and why his dad started drinking a lot. Without his mom dying, there would be no story. When he moved to Kansas, he became a totally new person: he came out about his sexuality, he died his hair green and he became good friends with this one girl. Basically, he became a totally different person. I would rate this book a 6 out of 10 because the plot could have been interesting, but he went into too much detail about other things.