Saturday, November 7, 2009

Final Blog of 1st quarter

In my blogs I tend to focus on the conflicts in a book and how it affects the plot and actions of the character. I have an interest of the reactions and thoughts of the characters. Being completely honest, I think that the book blogging experience is quite tedious. I don't feel like it helps me, but I am the kind of reader that likes to read a book without any interruptions

For next quarter, I would like to go into more detail in my blogs, and spend some more time on them. Also, I should pick different aspects to go into detail about. I would like to accomplish the feeling that I made some very good inferences and observations. I'm not very interested in blogging, but hopefully by the end of the year, I will enjoy it more. To get more involved, I would like to do a blog every other week because I feel like it would benefit how detailed my blogs are, and I would have more to contribute to the blog.

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