Thursday, September 24, 2009

Independent Reading- Swim the Fly

One major event that just happened is when Matt finds out that Valerie likes him. It was like everything just finally fit into place and things started making sense. Almost the whole book, he's been chasing after this girl named Kelly, so he became friends with her friend Valerie. Because he's so crazy about Kelly, he doesn't even notice how much she's flirting with him; she asks him to help her decide which bikini to buy and she wants him to watch her try them on. Also, when he got hurt, she called him a lot of times to check if he was okay. Eventually, they decided to go out as friends, but then she told him that she likes him and he realized he likes her also. In the end, he made a great choice considering Kelly couldn't even remember his name!


  1. This book sounds very good to read i am going to the store to get this book

  2. this bood sounds very fuuny this might be wanna of the best things i ever read about a book it got me very interesting to read this might be one of my favorites.
