Thursday, January 21, 2010

End of Quarter 2 Blog

I am very happy with my independent reading accomplishments this quarter. I would have to say that my favorite moment of independent reading is when I completed Carrie. This book was quite challenging for me, but when I finished the book I felt very accomplished. The reason I felt that way was because there were points were I came very close to dropping the book due to it's vocabulary and complex plot. Despite these negative feelings, I decided to stay with the book and actually, I was very happy that I stayed with the book because it actually turned out to be a good book. Also, it was a great challenge for me. When I finished the book, I was proud that I finished it and without a doubt, it was the highlight of independent reading for me second quarter.

Even though I feel like my blogs have gotten a lot better this quarter, there's still room for improvement. As a blogger, I would like to pay more attention to the details in the story because they would really improve my blogs. I would also like to write a blog that makes someone want to read the book I blogged about. I think that my blogs are relatively clear, but as I said before, I would like to include more detail in my blogs. Truthfully, I'm not very interested in what I have to say. I like to read, but I feel like going into so much detail takes away from the book. I am happy that we didn't need to blog as much this quarter because the few blogs that I did this quarter were a lot better. To get more excited about blogging, I think there should be some sort of competition with the blogs because that motivates me even more to do well.

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