Friday, November 13, 2009

I am the Messenger

So far, Ed's life is going nowhere. He's a nineteen year old cab driver who lives alone. He's in love with his best friend Audrey, but he has given up hope. For once, something exciting happened in his life: he stops a bank robbery from happening. Even though he thinks of it as now big deal, he has no idea how much of an impact it has made on his life. Shortly after the robbery, he recieves a peculiar package in the mail. An ace of diamonds. In addition to the card, it tells him where to go and when to go. He doesn't know what it's for though. Ed doesn;'t realize it, but he has a lot ahead of him in the near future.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Final Blog of 1st quarter

In my blogs I tend to focus on the conflicts in a book and how it affects the plot and actions of the character. I have an interest of the reactions and thoughts of the characters. Being completely honest, I think that the book blogging experience is quite tedious. I don't feel like it helps me, but I am the kind of reader that likes to read a book without any interruptions

For next quarter, I would like to go into more detail in my blogs, and spend some more time on them. Also, I should pick different aspects to go into detail about. I would like to accomplish the feeling that I made some very good inferences and observations. I'm not very interested in blogging, but hopefully by the end of the year, I will enjoy it more. To get more involved, I would like to do a blog every other week because I feel like it would benefit how detailed my blogs are, and I would have more to contribute to the blog.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Rag and Bone Shop

Jason is a very quiet kid who typically doesn't socialize. Although he isn't happy, he is not unhappy. When his neighbors younger sister dies he is mentally and emotionally in pain. He sought friendship in younger kids because older kids and kids his age made fun of him. One day, when the police showed up at his house to interview him, his life completely changed. He realized how serious the case was, and because he was the last person to see her alive, he is a suspect. Instead of continuing life the way it was, Jason is brought on a thrilling journey to find out who committed the crime.