Thursday, June 10, 2010

Final Blog of the Year

I thought that independent reading this year was great, and blogging helped out my reading experience even more. It made me dig deeper to find out more about the book without boring me. Something bad I didn't like was how in the beginning of the year, we had to blog almost every week. I felt like it was tedious and at one point i was running out of things to say. I'm glad that you decided to lower the amount of blogs due per quarter. If I had to change one thing about the blogging experience I would want to get some friends more involved in my blog by reading it and commenting on it. It was an option, but I didn't really get many comments. It would make blogging more fun for everyone.

This year I learned the most about Nonfiction and Teen Fiction because my favorite books that I read this year fell under those genres. Also, my group book was Nonfiction, and I really enjoyed it. I would like to continue exploring Mystery and Suspense because I love those kinds of movies, so there's no reason why I shouldn't enjoy those books also. I would also like to start exploring Science Fiction because I haven't read a lot of it, but I feel like I could become interested in it.

My biggest challenges this year were finding time to read and finding a book that I enjoy reading. This is because I have a very busy schedule with a lot of schoolwork, sports and music. It's hard to find extra time to independently read. I also had trouble finding a book to read because I honestly don't enjoy reading a lot and I have barely any patience when it comes to books. I don't like waiting for a book to become good, I like it when I become interested from the beginning.

I think that reading is okay and it depends on the book. Independent reading made me feel that way because I don't like having to meet a genre requirement every quarter. That forces me to read a book that I'm not too interested in, and that's why reading is okay depending on the book.

I plan to read Teen Fiction and Biographies over the summer because I truly enjoy reading those genres. I especially like reading Biographies about rock musicians because I find it interesting how their childhoods lead to them getting into music and other things. Overall, I thought independent reading was a good program and I always look forward to english on fridays.